How do I get the best price on car insurance?

If you pay a higher deductible you may be eligible for a discount, if you can pay your deductible when you need to file a claim, this is a great way to save. Another thing to consider is to always enter accurate mileage, we take mileage into consideration when calculating premiums, you can save a lot of money keeping good records of your annual and commuting mileages. You can also save by adding an additional driver onto your policy.

What information do I need to get a car insurance quote?

You will need to provide basic information such as, your name, address and birthday, as well as an overview of your driving history.

How do I add a vehicle to my policy?

You will need to provide your name and your policy number, Make, model, and year of the vehicle you’re adding to your insurance. You will also need to specify your Vehicle identification number (VIN). Odometer reading on the vehicle you’re adding. The name, date of birth, and driver’s license numbers of other drivers you want to add to your policy.

Do I have to report an accident or claim?

It is encouraged to contact us any time you have a loss, especially if you’re looking to get something repaired. Technically, you’re required to report a claim even if it’s not your fault. Reporting a claim is important when people are injured or there’s damage to another person’s car or property. Opening a claim is the best way for us to protect you.

How do I figure out how much homeowners insurance I need?

Your home is your most valuable asset, Homeowners insurance is one of the most important forms of financial protection, covering property damage to your home and personal property. The first things to consider when deciding how much insurance you need, is the rebuild cost of the home, the value of personal belongings in your home, and the value of your combined assets.

What does homeowners insurance cover?

Home owner’s insurance covers fire, theft, personal injury or property inside your property and water damages. Homeowners who rent the property to third parties may also cover their goods against damages , but does not cover the personal belongings of the tenants.

What caused my insurance rate to go up?

Some things that could cause this are speeding tickets, accidents that result in a claim life events such as moving, marriage or a new driver could all make your insurance rate go up. A new car with different repair costs or enhanced security features may cause this as well.

Where is my VIN?

This number is usually found on the dashboard of your vehicle on the driver’s side, and is usually listed on the vehicle registration and title. The VIN number is a combination of letters and numbers 17 characters in length that can be used to identify the make, model and year of your car.

Insurance Terms Explained

Additional Interest Insured

Another person or company who may be liable for an accident involving an insured or an insured vehicle and who has been named as an Additional Interest Insured under the policy.

Anti-Theft Device

Select Recovery Device if the system has a device that is capable of tracking (homing) and recovering the vehicle. These systems must automatically contact a response center where the process of vehicle recovery begins. This does not include alarms which do not have contact with a center or vehicle tracking. To receive an anti-theft discount, comprehensive and collision coverage must be present on your policy.

Bodily Injury Liability Coverage

Pays when an insured person is legally liable for bodily injury or death caused by your vehicle or your operation of most non-owned vehicles. This coverage also pays for your legal defense if you are sued. Common Exclusions: No coverage for (1) bodily injury/death when you are using your vehicle to carry persons or property (including magazines, newspapers, food) for compensation or a fee; (2) liability assumed under a contract; (3) bodily injury/death to an employee; (4) bodily injury/death caused by an intentional act; (5) property owned by, rented to, or in the charge of an insured person; (6) bodily injury/death to you or relative; (7) bodily injury/death or property damage resulting from a relative’s use of a vehicle, other than a covered vehicle, owned by a person who resides with you; or (8) bodily injury or property damage resulting from your operation or use of a vehicle owned by you, other than a covered vehicle.

Comprehensive Coverage

Pays for loss or damage to your covered vehicle caused by any event other than collision. This includes damages due to events such as fire, theft, windstorm, flood and vandalism. We will also pay transportation and loss of use expenses under this coverage if your motor vehicle is stolen.

Collision Coverage

Pays for loss to your covered vehicle when it collides with another object or overturns. We will also pay for a collision loss to any non-owned vehicle, or to a vehicle you have rented other than a vehicle rented for use in connection with your business or employment, while that vehicle is in your custody, or while you are operating it. Common Exclusions: No coverage for damages or loss (1) to a vehicle while being used to carry persons or property for compensation or a fee; (2) resulting from intention acts, racing, or preparing for a race or stunting activity; (3) customs parts or equipment, including electronic equipment, in excess of the value declared in the application; or (4) to tapes, compact discs, other media or their carrying cases.

Continuously Insured

Insurance coverage was in effect from an insurer or more than one insurer at all times, without a break or lapse in coverage for any reason.

Declarations Page

The report from your insurance company listing:

  • the types of coverage you have elected
  • the limit for each coverage
  • the cost for each coverage
  • the specified vehicles covered by the policy
  • the types of coverage for each vehicle covered by the policy
  • other information applicable to the policy

The amount of each loss you agree to pay. Generally, choosing a higher deductible will lower your premium.

Driver Improvement Course

A voluntary refresher course available for drivers age fifty-five (55) and older to enhance their driving skills. Participants are eligible for a discount if they can provide a certificate to Progressive as proof of completion. The course must have been completed within three (3) years of the date the policy is to begin.

Driver Status

Provides information concerning whether the driver has been rated or listed on the policy.

Garaging Location

The ZIP code where your vehicle is parked when not in use and usually corresponds to your primary residence.


The most we will pay for a specific insurance coverage. You may choose the limit which meets your needs. Most states have laws that specify the minimum limits you must purchase.

Named Insured

The first person in whose name the insurance policy is issued.

Occasional Driver

The person who is not the primary or principal driver of the vehicle.

Policy Expiration Date

The date when your current insurance policy expires. This date can be found on your current policy, Declaration (or “DEC”) page, insurance identification card or recent cancellation notice. This date is not to be confused with the date of your next payment or when your renewal payment is due.

Policy Term

The length of time that the policy is in force.

Primary Residence

The place where you will reside for the majority of your policy term. If you are a homeowner who does not reside in the home you own, please choose the “rent” or “other” option.

Primary Use

What your vehicle is mainly used for:

To/From Work If you use your vehicle to commute to and from your work and/or school.

Business If your vehicle is used for one or all of the following:

  • used to make sales calls
  • used as vehicle for business trips to bank or post office, picking up supplies, going to different locations
  • owned or leased by a partnership or corporation that have a business listed as and additional interest on the car

Farm If your vehicle is used primarily on a farm, ranch or orchard

Artisan If your vehicle is operated by you in a trade or business where the vehicle is:

  • owned or leased by an individual
  • operated solely by the named insured or other resident relatives
  • used to transport tools or other materials where such transport is incidental to the insured’s trade or business
  • at no more than 2 job sites per day
  • not used to transport explosives or flammable materials
  • not carrying equipment weighing more than 500 lb. Artisan occupations may include but are not limited to: appliance repair landscapers, blacksmith, painters, cabinet makers, photographers, carpenters, plasterers, carpet installers, pool cleaners, construction workers, pool maintenance, drapery installers, radio/TV repairman, electrician repairmen, exterminators, roofers, fence installers, tree trimmers, furniture repair, upholsterers, heating/ac repairmen, surveyors, interior decorator, welders, janitorial services
  • Pleasure
  • No others apply
Principal Driver

The person who drives the car most often.

Prior Address

We ask for your prior address only if you moved within the last 60 days. Your prior address provides an additional piece of information to match the consumer report correctly with the customer. If we don’t collect this information, our chance of error increases and we might not calculate your rate correctly.

Property Damage Liability Coverage

Pays when an insured person is legally liable for damage to the property of others caused by your vehicle and your operation of most non-owned vehicles. This coverage also pays for your legal defense costs if you are sued. Common Exclusions: same as Bodily Injury Liability Coverage exclusions, but the exclusions apply to damage to property.

Second Named Insured

The named insured or listed agent on a policy may request to designate any other person listed on the policy as a “second named insured”. The second named insured has the same coverage under the policy as the named insured.

Social Security Number

We need several pieces of information to match the report to the customer appropriately. If we don’t collect this information, our chance of error increases and we might not calculate your rate correctly.


A document required by the court for persons convicted of certain traffic violations that demonstrates proof of financial responsibility.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Protects you, your resident relatives and occupants of a covered vehicle if any of these insured sustain bodily injury, including any resulting death, in an accident in which the owner or operator of a motor vehicle who is legally liable does not have insurance. Common Exclusions: No coverage for bodily injury/death sustained by any person while using or occupying a (1) covered vehicle while being used to carry persons or property for compensation or a fee; (2) a covered vehicle without the permission of you or a relative; or (3) a non-owned vehicle without the permission of the owner.


The vehicle identification number (VIN) on your vehicle. This number is usually found on the dashboard of your vehicle on the driver’s side, and is usually listed on the vehicle registration and title. The VIN number is a combination of letters and numbers 17 characters in length that can be used to identify the make, model and year of your car.