Secretary of State Jesse White Launching Electronic Automobile Insurance Verification
Program aims to crack down on uninsured motorist
Those who receive letters must contact their insurance agent; do not visit a Drivers Services facilty
Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White announced that automobile insurance verification will be conducted electronically. This upgrade to the state’s mandatory insurance verification program will begin enforcement on July 1, 2021. The program requires insurance companies to work in conjunction with the Secretary of State’s office to confirm electronically that motorists have automobile insurance. This program follows national standards established by the Insurance Industry Committee on Motor Vehicle Administration and is expected to reduce the number of Illinois motorists driving while uninsured.
“My office has led the effort to establish and implement an automobile insurance verification system online which will serve to reduce the number of Illinois motorists driving while uninsured,” said White. “The message is simple: if you don’t have auto insurance, get covered now. It is the law.”
Under the new Illinois Insurance Verification System (ILIVS), vehicle owners’ automobile insurance will be verified electronically at least twice a year at random intervals to ensure that vehicle owners are complying with the state’s mandatory automobile liability insurance laws. The vast majority of vehicle owners will not have to do anything, as electronic verification of automobile insurance will be confirmed automatically.
If electronic verifications are unsuccessful, the Secretary of State’s office will send a written request to the vehicle owner giving them the opportunity to prove they have insurance before suspending their vehicle registration. Vehicle owners must contact their insurance company or notify their insurance agent that they received a letter with a specific reference number from the Secretary of State. The insurance agent’s responsibility is to confirm electronically with the Secretary of State – through – that the vehicle owner does in fact have automobile insurance on the verification date stated in the letter. Beginning July 1, 2021, vehicle owners who are unable to prove insurance will face a license plate suspension and $100 reinstatement fee.
It is important to note that vehicle owners who receive the letter should NOT VISIT a Driver Services facility; instead, they should CONTACT THEIR INSURANCE COMPANY OR AGENT who can provide the necessary electronic proof of insurance needed to cancel the license plate suspension.
Vehicles owners who do not currently have automobile insurance must obtain insurance to avoid license plate suspension.
White chaired the Uninsured Motorist Verification Advisory Committee that worked with insurance companies, traffic safety advocates and members of the General Assembly. The advisory committee reviewed best practices and helped provide the guidelines used to establish legislation and program requirements.